Sunday, 3 June 2012

Slick chrome american prince~

I am so so sooooo sorry for the lack of posts. I just got completely out of the blogger mood. I've been really trying to discover my style again recently and personally I think the clothes that are in the shops at the moment are so shit. I love summer weather but summer fashion doesn't appeal to me at all. Anyway I've been wearing stuff like this recently and stripping down to the bare minimums in the warm weather. Today its raining so I wore this...

Hat- eBay £10.
Lipstick- Collection 2000 cherry pop.
Eye makeup- urban decay Naked pallet.
Barbados tshirt- Charity shop £2.
Green Cardigan- Vintage shop £14.
Denim jacket- Charity shop £2.50.
Belt- Vintage shop £3.
Shorts- H&M £20.
Tights- Topshop sale £1!.
Socks- Primark MENS £1.50.
Shoes- Creepers.

I will hopefully be getting into blogger again this summer so look out for the blog post spam...

Hope you got inspired, Hannah x

My TWITTER- 123cuppycake123
My Instagram- _quiffstress_