Friday, 2 September 2011

Weekly wants & hello Autumn.

Im so excited for the colder months ahead. I love cold weather and shopping for winter essensials is always fun. I love how laid back winter fashion can be, just put on a pretty scarf and duffle coat and your instanly fashion forward.
This week I have been doing some intense charity shop and online shopping for winter so thats been exciting. Here are some of my favourites I have found online this week...

1- Topshop £12.
2- Topshop £6.
3- Topshop snood £16.
4- Topshop Quilted black jacket £55.

1- Kaos ear skins £7 a pair.
2- Cyber lipstick by Mac £13.50.
3- Urban Oufitters bowler hat £24.
4- Topshop blue velvet boots £75.

Hope you have got inspired by this weeks weekly wants.
I'm so excited for this winter! I really want some thick heeled boots and a bowler hat. I think they are going to be my statement pieces for this autumn/ winter.
Topshop has got some amazing winter stock in at the moment and so has Urban outfitters but also I've noticed that charity/ vintage shops have started to get their winter stock out too so thats good news for our pocket!
Thanks for reading, Hannah x
(My YouTube- 123cuppycake123
My Twitter- 123cuppycake123)

1 comment:

  1. Loving this seasons colour palette. I really want those boots!

    Helen, X
